CPC Programs Built to Support Natural Social Media Activities

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other opportunties across Social Media presents a unique type of marketing challenge to B2B corporations of today.  Our experience has shown that social and PR teams are usually fully engaged in the 'natural growth' of social interaction, but the communication breaks down between PR and advertising departments seems to hinder growth, often resulting in missed opportunities and internal frustration.

Social media primarily drives top of the funnel activities, designed for brand awareness.  Our goal with Social Media marketing programs is to utilize niche/industry targeting mechanisms for branding and retargeting programs to highlight natural social media and PR growth - keeping paid search spend low on social media networks.


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 Our Social Media Marketing services include:

  • Auditing, reviewing and updating tracking implementation
  • Coordinating product roadmaps to plan specific marketing programs
  • Utilizing retargeting and industry focused targeting capabilities
  • Building KPIs specific for Social Media ad programs and personnel
  • Helping to communicate the impact of social media marketing to senior leadership
  • Strict budget control to support allocation towards natural social media activities

FixClicks is dedicated to helping corporations exceed goals quarter after quarter, year after year. This level of dedication, genuine care for client performance and keeping the custom-built practices and knowledge confidential is how we help our valuable clients succeed for the long term.